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"No one question has been considered, in all ages of the world, as of such vast importance to man as that of the human soul, its origin, its destiny, its status in the future, and everything connected therewith. What can be of greater importance to man?"
~ Olney Hawkins Richmond, Father of Cardology
Articles about/by Cardologers and how they learned abour Cardology
Articles about Cardology written by online and other media sources
Articles about Playing Cards and their historical backgrounds
Articles about/by Olney Richmond and the Order of the Magi
My Journey with Sacred Symbols
By Helmar Rudolph, Speaker and Master Cardologer, Founder of Sacred
Stories from Infinity
Written by Guilhem Morera, Author, Master Cardologer, Founder of
Parenting with Cardology
By Donna Webb, MS, EdD
Teacher, author, and Cardologer
True Purpose of the Deck of 52 Cards
Written by Viki and Alexander Dunlop, Author, Master Cardologers, Founder of the Source Cards
Cardology and Me
Written by Naafie Jolley, Cardologist, Hip-Hop Artist, Founder of Everything Over Perception
Cardology Helped Me to Become My Own Guru
Written by Laura Haehl, Cardologer, Intuitive Coach and Co-Founder of It's You, Guru
How Valuable are Cardology Books?
A Contractor's Find Provides a Clue
Written by Gina E. Jones, author and IAC Founder
Conscious Co-Creation:
DeBorah Bellony's Approach to Cardology
Written by DeBorah Bellony, MS, MMT
There are NO Accidents
Written by June Edward, Cardologer, Relationship Coach/Medium and Psychic
My Introduction to Destiny Cards:
This Knowledge Truly Resonated Within Me
Written by Paul (aka Ray of Light), Cardologer
Your Card is Your Destiny: Life as a Young Joker
Written by Beverly Barrett Flintom, author and IAC Founding Member
The Secret Mystical History of Playing Cards
Written by Alexander Dunlop, author and IAC Founding Member
The Sacred Book of Destiny
Written by Gina E. Jones, Author, Master Cardologer, Founder of The Cards of Life
Walking in Olney Richmond's Footsteps:
Bringing Cardology to the World
Written by Gina E. Jones, author and IAC Founder
Your Career is In the Cards (of Destiny)
By Lisa Johnson Mandell for
Submitted by Lisa Osborn, IAC Founding Member
The International Association of Cardology does not endorse any particular article, book, author, concept, information, or view, and is not responsible in any way for any error and misinterpretations that may occur.
Posted on on July 25, 2024, written by Naomi May
Posted on blog in January 2024, written by Martha Roberts
Posted on on September 21, 2020, written by Charles Levin
Posted on on June 4, 2018, written by Gaia Staff
Versailles and the Jack of Clubs
By Guilhem Morera, Founder of Astro-Cartomancie,
Author and Master Cardologer
The Strange Ballet of Playing Cards at the Court of France
at the Château de Marly near Versailles on 19 February 1700
Written by Claude Ferradou, French Writer and Historian
The Soul of Things
Playing cards tell us about our present and sometimes our future. Can they also reveal our past?
For six and a half centuries of the history of our civilization, these small rectangles of cardboard so light and fragile carry in reality on their painted figures, the weight of our representations of the destiny and mystery of the world: strange rebus, looks, gestures and objects held in hand, every detail of the drawing, like a little living soul of the card, expresses a message often lost, that must be found today, all the more precious as it speaks of us. These symbols almost always hide the message or testimony of those who have preceded us and that they wanted to leave us.
Claude Ferradou (Four of Spades♠) is a French writer and historian who has been passionate about the history of objects and their symbols for years, as well as the search and discovery of the true meaning behind the appearance, the signifier behind the signified.
Ferradou's articles presented in this section, on history and the ancient symbols of playing cards, attempt to rediscover their richness and teaching.
L’âme des choses
Les cartes à jouer nous parlent à chacun de notre présent et quelquefois de notre avenir. Peuvent-elles aussi découvrir notre passé ?
Depuis six siècles et demi de l’histoire de notre civilisation, ces petits rectangles de carton si légers et fragiles portent en réalité sur leurs figures peintes, le poids de nos représentations du destin et du mystère du Monde : rébus étranges, attitudes, regards, gestes et objets tenus en main, chaque détail du dessin, comme une petite âme vivante de la carte, exprime un message bien souvent perdu, qu’il faut retrouver aujourd’hui, d’autant plus précieux qu’il parle de nous. Ces symboles cachent presque toujours le message ou le témoignage de ceux qui nous ont précédés et qu’ils ont voulu nous laisser.
Claude Ferradou (quatre de Pique) est un écrivain-historien passionné depuis des années par l’histoire des objets et de leurs symboles, comme de la recherche et de la découverte du vrai derrière l’apparence, du signifiant derrière le signifié.
Les articles présentés çi-après, sur l’histoire et les anciens symboles des cartes à jouer tentent pour nous d’en redécouvrir la richesse et l’enseignement.
[DISCLAIMER: Any explanation, information, opinion, terminology, theory, and/or any cardological method or reference provided are not necessarily approved of or endorsed by the International Association of Cardology. THE IAC is not responsible for any mistranslations and/or misinterpretations. All publications on the IAC website are purely for entertainment and informational purposes only.]
Symbolism of the Jacks of Diamonds and Hearts in the Old Portrait of the Dauphiné in France
Written by Claude Ferradou, French Writer and Historian
The Sign of Silence:
The Jack of Hearts Riddle
Written by Claude Ferradou, French Writer and Historian
An Ancient Initiatory Rebus:
The Mystery of the Jack of Diamonds
Written by Claude Ferradou, French Writer and Historian
The Mystery of the Jack of Diamonds
(continued from previous Ancient Initiatory Rebus article)
Written by Claude Ferradou, French Writer and Historian
Olney H. Richmond Tells How He Became a Member of The Magi.
Article from the Grand Rapids Daily Democrat
Magnetism of Stars
Student Reveals an Ancient Mystery
Article from the Grand Rapids Daily Democrat
The Outer Court and the Inner Temple
Article about Olney Richmond and His Ancient Order of the Magi
Who was the Mysterious French Stranger?
Article about Olney Richmond and Stranger Who Passed Secrets to Him
Learn more about the extraordinary life of Olney H. Richmond, Grand Master of the Order of the Magi and Father of Cardology, his books and writings.
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