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Published in IAC Newsletter September 6, 2017
My Daily Stroll into the History of Cardology
For many years now, I live and walk where young Olney H. Richmond (20 years old) marched with the 14th Michigan Infantry into Georgia. Richmond and fellow soldiers met up with Union forces commanded by Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman in his campaign to destroy the Army of the Tennessee, capture Atlanta and cut off vital Confederate supply lines that resulted in the burning of Atlanta during the American Civil War.
What I didn't realize until recently is that I am actually walking in Olney Richmond's footsteps. I walk where he walked. I walk the same path that he did shortly after he was told by a Frenchman in Nashville, Tennessee that he had been chosen to bring this ancient knowledge of Cardology to the world. I actually live, eat, breathe, sleep, work and even dream where this brave soldier risked life and limb just so you and I can read about the cards of our lives, the Order of the Magi and their mystical teachings about the universe and life itself.
My Morning Walk
In his book "Articles on the Order of the Magi and Its History", author, archivist, IAC Official Historian Iain McLaren-Owens compiled Richmond's military records, which include the battle locations of Richmond's 14th Infantry. To my surprise, I have lived or visited almost every place listed.
My daughter just graduated Kennesaw University and we live near the Chattahoochee River on Paces Ferry Road. Across the street, where my wedding reception was years ago, is the overlook where 153 years ago Sherman and his troops could see Atlanta in the distance. Historical markers and graveyards are found throughout in this area.
During my morning walks, I now think of young Richmond, marching in full uniform in the heat and humidity of that Georgia summer in 1864, fighting at such a young age, all the while having advance knowledge that he would, in fact, survive the war, despite close calls with flying bullets, cannon balls, and even food poisoning.
Talking to Olney and Why I Do What I Do
Like many others, I have read but don't fully understand Olney H. Richmond's "The Mystic Test Book" with its fascinating illustrations. However, after 17 years of study, I have come to realize that what Richmond has given us is the simplest, most accurate, transformational system of self-understanding available to the public today. A system that has certainly transformed my life and my understanding of life in general.
While I walk in Olney Richmond's footsteps down Paces Ferry Road to the Chattahoochee River each morning, I also talk to Olney personally and thank him for his courage, bravery, dedication, and determination to not only live through the Civil War but also in bringing Cardology to me and to the world.
Thanks to Olney, I can sit safely and comfortably in my air-conditioned home office today, overlooking the very path that he courageously walked in the late 1860s and write this article to you and those who have an interest in this ancient Cardological Calendar and its secret code of the creation for our lives here on Earth. Now, the sacrifice of my personal time and money seem quite trivial compared to what this amazing Three of Diamonds man went through and continues to give us each day. This is why I do what I do as the Founder of the International Association of Cardology...everything possible to share Cardology with you and with the world!
Gina E. Jones
Queen of Diamonds
Gina E. Jones is an award-winning author, Master Cardologer, and the Founder of Scene the Light Entertainment, The Cards of Life, and the International Association of Cardology.
Gina E. Jones website:
[DISCLAIMER: Any explanation, information, opinion, terminology, theory, and/or any cardological method or reference included in this article are not necessarily approved of or endorsed by the International Association of Cardology. This article's publication on the IAC website is purely for entertainment and informational purposes only.]
Learn more about Olney H. Richmond, Grand Master of the Order of the Magi and Father of Cardology and author of The Mystic Test Book and Temple Lectures of the Order of the Magi
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