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The story of Olney Hawkins Richmond, Grand Master of the Order of the Magi and the Father of Cardology, is a fascinating one, indeed. Let's take a closer look at this man who was also known as Yenlo.
During the Civil War, he was a soldier in the Fourteenth Michigan Infantry, and in the spring of 1864, his regiment was quartered outside Nashville, Tennessee. One night, around 8 o'clock, while Olney was on camp-guard duty, he saw a man approaching. Olney first thought the man to be a spy, but immediately after he first saw him, the stranger spoke.
The stranger said, "your name is Richmond." "Right," responded Olney, supposing that some of his comrades had given him his name. "And your other name is Yenlo," continued the stranger. Olney remarked, "There you are wrong, for that is not my given name." "Yes, it is," the man said, "at least that is the name given to you by my authorities, who have sent me to you: spell Yenlo backward and see what you make of it." Richmond replied, "O-I-n-e-y, Olney, why yes that is my name."
The stranger said, 'Yes, and you were born on February 22, in the year 1844." Olney asked, "How did you find that out?"
The stranger stated, "By the wonderful philosophy which I wish to communicate with you. I am a member of an order, which has been lost to the public for many ages; I am a member of the ancient order of the Magi, which flourished in Egypt thousands of years ago."
The man continued to explain, "I feel that I am about to die, and am bound by the powers that rule me to convey the marvelous secrets which I hold to another, who shall live after me. You are that successor, and I wish you to call on me at No street some evening, and very soon, for I am sure that I shall not live long."
Richmond's curiosity was roused and he promised to do as the stranger wished.
"The man was a tall, thin, hollow-cheeked individual, and very earnest in his conversation. I called ... " The rest of Olney Richmond's story can be read in the Richmond article titled "A Mysterious Tale" and in Arline Richmond's book, "Yenlo and the Mystic Brotherhood." A physical copy of this rare, hard-to-find book, is currently available in the IAC Online Store: "Yenlo and the Mystic Brotherhood"
Pauline Goede was born June 14, 1891 (Three of Diamonds♦). Her father died when she was six months old and her mother remarried. Pauline then became known as Arline Hoefer/Hofer.
After serving in the Civil War with the 14th Michigan Infantry, Olney returned to Michigan and started his own chemist store. He married Cornelia Hill and had two daughters, Merta and Flora. He divorced Cornelia in 1899 and married Verona M. Doane later that same year.
In 1890, Richmond moved his family and the Temple to Chicago. In 1909, Olney was in poor health and in 1911, Arline (around age 17) moved into the Richmond home as a nurse and ended up driving a wedge between Olney and his wife, Verona. Olney and Verona never divorced although they did live apart at various times.
Arline stayed on with Olney as his "adopted daughter" until his death, helping with Temple duties and acting as his nursemaid. Olney Richmond spent the rest of his life, until he died in March 1920, writing, lecturing, teaching and attending to the Temple. Arline was 27 years old when he died and didn't legally change her name to Arline L. Richmond until April 18, 1921, after Olney Richmond's death.
~ Arline L. Richmond
In her writings, Arline refers to Olney Richmond as "Brother Yenlo" and "Mr. Richmond." In her book "Yenlo and the Mystic Brotherhood", she described a cottage that they built and where they spent six summers together.
Olney suffered with asthma, hay fever and bronchitis and would frequently spend his summers elsewhere, including Wisconsin, and later return to the family in the winter. Because Arline Hofer later changed her name to Arline L. Richmond, many identify her as Olney Richmond's daughter, but this is incorrect. However, Arline did claim that the Richmonds "adopted" her, with the understanding that she would receive a musical education. She stated that instead she was only given hard work.
This photograph is one of the last pictures taken of Olney Hawkins Richmond before he passed away. Although he looks happy, the tired look is there also. Miss Richmond also was beginning to show the strain of overwork. Classes were too large in those days (over 400 students) and yet members lacked genuine interest in the Temple work. Nationally, there were reportedly over 10,000 members.
Mr. Richmond's health was beginning to fail, due largely to three attacks of the influenza suffered by Arline, who was at this time his sole companion and manager of the Temple work.
It was at this location, 4435 N. Leavitt Street, Evanston, Illinois, one floor up, where Olney Richmond collapsed on March 21st, 1920. He later passed away on March 30th at age 76 from myocarditis.
Olney H. Richmond and Miss Arline L. Richmond were both Three of Diamonds♦.
Olney Richmond and Arline Richmond (Evanston, IL)
Arline L. Richmond's book, Yenlo and the Mystic Brotherhood, is a compilation of lectures, letters, poems, notices and articles. It is now available in our IAC Online Store as both an used physical book and as a PDF as a digital downloadable book:
"Yenlo and the Mystic Brotherhood" by Arline L. Richmond (used physical book)
"Yenlo and the Mystic Brotherhood" by Arline L. Richmond (digital download PDF)
Miss Richmond made a poignant comment in her Foreward on page 6 about Olney Richmond and the sacrifices he made to share Cardology with the world:
"... Mr. Richmond passed away March 30, 1920. He was loved in his old age by many, but understood by only a few. He was better understood in the Checker and Chess world, his hobby, than in the field of religion, his Mission. Nevertheless, as the result of his coming and against all opposition, his work is done! The world is being washed today in its own blood to receive the works this faithful and trusted servant of the Most High O.M. brought for the regeneration of Terra. One day the world will awake to discover that while they were busy killing each other, with every scientific means known to man, the gates of Heaven were quietly opened."
Arline Richmond also wrote a 4-page document that is now available in the IAC Online Store as a digital book. It is a scanned PDF of this original, never-seen-before, 2-page, doubled-sided 8.5 x 11", typewritten document titled, "Introduction and Key to "The Mystic Test Book" of Olney H. Richmond" by Arline L. Richmond. Click on the link and read the document description to learn more.
You can find, "Yenlo and the Mystic Brotherhood" in sections online at:
~ Arline L. Richmond
It was reported in the newspapers that after Olney Richmond died, Arline and his widow, Verona, fought over possessions in the Temple. (The Winnipeg Tribune April 10, 1920 page 24.)
The following month, The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia, reported on Sunday, May 9, 1920 on page 2 that Verona and Arline even fought over Richmond's corpse and had prepared two different graves for him.
Richmond was buried April 6th, 1920 at Forest Home Cemetery, Lot 180, Section 7, near Chicago, in the family plot, now unmarked. He was buried with Vernon and Benjamin Doane, children of Verona M. (Doane) Richmond, Olney's second wife. Verona died August 8, 1936 and was buried in the same family plot on August 11, 1936.
The Boston Post newspaper reported on August 9, 1920 that Arline Richmond had been arrested in Minneapolis on August 8th. https:/
The headline read: PRIESTESS NOW RESTS IN JAIL Charged with Stealing the "Secrets of Universe"
"Miss Arline Hoffman [Hawkins, not Hoffman] Richmond, high priestess of the Order of the Magi, is in jail in Minneapolis. Miss Arline has been missing for several months---ever since following the death of her foster-father, Olney Richmond, grand master of the Magi, she fled with all the rites and rituals and paraphernalia of the order. It nearly put the order "out of business," so they say. She took the breast plate of the high priest-set with precious stones-the astral mirror, the charts and zodiacal emblems, the altar cloth, sacred candlesticks and the trident and pear, the ritual books and prophetic parchments, the ceremonial robes and the priestly black jewels-as well as the little black box that contained "all the secrets of the universe."
Verona had formally charged Arline with grand larceny alleging that she stole a $103 check. There were other charges, but this was the main one but nothing ever came of it.
© The Winnipeg Tribune (April 10, 1920)
Despite her legal challenges after Olney's death, Arline continued on to help oversee the activities in the Temple. Everyone who knew Arline Richmond attests that she was a genuine believer and was falsely slandered by those who wanted to control the Order for their own personal profit and power.
On February 22, 1944, Arline (age 52) celebrated what would have been Olney H. Richmond's 100th birthday with fellow Order of the Magi members.
In 1946, Arline L. Richmond republished Olney Richmond's The Mystic Test Book in Chicago, Illinois in an effort to continue his teachings and sharing the knowledge contained in his books and lectures.
It is said that Arline never married and later died in 1954 at age 62, presumably in Chicago or Evanston, Illinois.
UPDATE (6/22/2023): In 2005, a grave with her name on it was photographed and posted on the Find A Grave website and her remains in the Greenwood Cemetery, La Pointe, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA. The marker reads: Sister ARLINE RICHMOND 1891 - 1959. The website says she died arourd 67-68 years old:
(Find a Grave Memorial ID: 11061929)
As you can see, Olney H. Richmond, Arline L. Richmond, and many others have gone through some very challenging situations in their dedication to bring this extraordinary ancient system to each of us today. We are reading about real people with their own karma and challenges; just like the rest of us, with their own flaws and imperfections, striving to fulfill their own personal destinies.
While none of us on Earth are perfect, what is important to focus on is the message and not the messengers. This valuable system of Cardology, and the dedication of Richmond and others, in bringing it from centuries of obscurity out into the light of world for all to see, is free to read on this website and on the internet.
Learn more about Olney H. Richmond, Arline Richmond, and the Order of the Magi with the most comprehensive book available titled “Articles on the Order of the Magi and Its History” compiled by Iain McLaren-Owens. It is available for purchase as a PDF in our online store.
If you have any information about Olney Richmond, the Order of the Magi, and/or the sacred science of the cards, please feel free to use our CONTACT US online form.
For years, Arline Richmond and many others have dedicated their lives, endured great hardships and given their knowledge and time to share what they understand about Cardology with you today.
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